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For talents
On Znapp.de, our job app, we do not offer any of the services mentioned above. Our AI automatically connects you with interested companies that have a vacancy. However, we often receive questions about these technical terms via our social media channels and on the phone. That's why we'd like to give you a brief overview here.

Temporary work – Working on a temporary basis! 

Temporary work also includes the unwieldy term employee leasing and the often negatively connotated term temporary work. With this form of employment, you have the opportunity to work in different companies for a limited period of time. You are usually permanently employed by a temporary employment agency and your manpower is "loaned" to other companies, so to speak. 

For example: A marketing company needs additional support for a temporary campaign. They contact a temporary employment agency to cover their short-term needs. You are a marketing manager and work in a permanent position at the temporary employment agency. They then send you to the marketing company for the duration of the campaign. The advantage is that you can gain experience in a wide variety of companies and areas. 

Suitable for whom? Employment with a temporary employment agency is only suitable for people who are flexible. You should be keen to work frequently in other companies and to carry out constantly changing tasks for a limited period of time. 

Recruitment agency and direct placement – The direct route from the recruitment agency to a permanent position 

Recruitment agencies usually carry out a direct placement. They place you directly in a permanent position with another company. You do not conclude an employment contract with the recruitment agency, but a placement order. Placement is usually free of charge for employees, so ask and pay attention to the small print to be sure. In most cases, recruiters search for suitable candidates on behalf of a specific company and place job advertisements. Or they use headhunters who target people with the right qualifications. If you take the first step and contact a recruitment agency, they will look for a suitable company for you. No matter where the search starts, in both cases the future employer should pay the placement fee. If you reach an agreement with the new employer, you will sign an employment contract there. The recruitment agency is then out.  

For example: You are an experienced software developer and want to find a new challenge in a growing tech company. The recruiter finds the ideal position for you, introduces you to the company looking for talented developers and the company hires you permanently.  

Suitable for whom? A recruitment agency is suitable for anyone who is looking for a permanent position and doesn't necessarily want to have to worry about applying and making appointments themselves. A good recruitment agency may even coach you a little when it comes to your documents and your appearance at the interview.  

And what do we do at Znapp? 

We do not offer any of these services. We provide our job app to make it easy for you and your new employer to find each other - without any long application processes in advance. 

Good to know: Temporary employment agencies and recruitment agencies can also register on Znapp.de. You have the option of deciding for yourself in your profile whether you want to have contact with these service providers or not. Are you open to different working models or do you just want to get in touch with a future employer? Indicate in your profile how you would like it. Because it's about your career! You decide! 


Sandra Gehde Senior HR Consultant

„Applying must be easy – just like a coffee in between “ Frustration with CVs and cover letters doesn't have to be, Sandra Gehde, non-fiction author and expert in HR management, is convinced of this. After training in the field of photography, she made a career change into HR management, where she worked successfully as a personnel manager for 13 years.

Today, she works as an HR Senior Consultant at Znapp. She lives with her family in the east of Munich, where she also writes thrillers – more exciting than life.


  • „Application to go“ published by Metropolitan Verlag 2019, new edition 2023
  • „Ausbildungsplatzsuche für Durchstarter“ published by Stark Verlag 2016

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